My Top 5 Horse Show Tips

After a long two years, Sunday and I are finally gearing up for a show season! It may be brief, but it will definitely be rewarding! The anticipation of a show season also means dealing with stress and anxiety, but with some helpful planning and preparation, I know we are going to do great!
Here are my top 5 show prep tips that I’m going to use for this summer and fall and see which ones will need tweaking as I go:

  1. Pre-Plan
    • I plan as far in advance as possible, which is one of the reasons why I started the Let’s Horse Show Facebook page and have kept it going. I’ve already started planning for 2025!
    • Make sure at the beginning of the season, you have all the proper tests and vaccines needed and your horse’s papers and medical history readily available.
    • I even pre-plan my route. Seriously, Google Maps or whatever map app you use or heck even old-school paper maps, take a look at the route and where gas stations are and such. If possible, drive the route and see where you’ll be able to fit with your trailer.
  2. Pre-Pack
    • As far in advance as you can! If you are like me and seem to have an extra or more of everything, start going through those items and leave them in your trailer. I for some strange reason have an abundance of hoof picks.
    • As soon as possible after a show, I know it will be hard, but wash and re-pack everything into your trailer. That way, it’s ready to go for the next one.
    • Items you need first once you arrive at the show or for emergencies while travelling to the show, load those items into the trailer last.
    • Each tote and container should be labelled with what it contains, this way on show day, you are not panicking looking for items.
  3. Prep Your Horse
    • At least two weeks prior to show.
    • Trim their mane
    • Clip bridle path, ears, under chin, legs
    • Bath them
    • Bath again day before show and band mane the night before if possible
  4. Be Consistent
    • A horse show is not a place to change routine or try something new. Stick to the routine you and your horse already have to avoid any new or drastic changes prior to or on show day.
  5. Last but not least, YOU!
    • If you look good and feel good, you’ll do good!
    • Be sure to have snacks and water, lots and lots of water!
    • Always remember you’re doing this because it’s fun!